Wednesday, 18. July 2007, Jasper National Park, Rocky Mountains, Alberta, Canada.
The next morning. We slept bad in the warm car and the moskito density didn’t decrease. They were buzzing around every warm object. Coffee mugs and us.
Der nächste Morgen. Schlecht geschlafen im warmen Auto hat die Moskitodichte leider nicht abgenommen. Sie schwirren dicht um alles, was warm ist. Um Kaffetassen und um uns.
Tearing down the tent as fast as we set it up. We handled it like out french spreaking neighbours from Quebec: they counted till three, jumped out of their car synchronously with corded up hoods and trowsers in their socks. In one minute they had everything in their car and escaped from this horrable place.
Auch der Zeltabbau war rekordverdächtig schnell, wir taten es unseren französischsprechenden Quebecer Nachbarn von gegenüber gleich: sie zählten bis drei, sprangen mit zugeschnürten Kapuzen und in die Socken gestopften Hosen synchron aus dem Auto, um innerhalb einer Minute alles abzubauen, ins Auto zu schleudern und so schnell wie möglich weg zu kommen von diesem grauenhaften Ort.
That’s how the inside of the car looked like after our quickstart.
Und so sah es im Wagen bei unserem Schnellstart aus.
You see these bear-safe garbage cans in whole western Canada. To open it a lever in the handle has to be pushed.
In ganz West-Kanada stehen solche bärensicheren Mülleimer. Man muss von unten einen Hebel im Griff hochdrücken, um sie zu öffnen.
We were desolated after three days without a shower and made a detour to Miette Hot Springs to bath in pleasant water, 40°C hot. On the parking lot we met this deer, fearless and accustomed to men.
In völlig desolatem Zustand und nach drei Tagen ohne Dusche machten wir den Umweg zu den nicht weit entfernten Miette Hot Springs, wohltuenden, 40°C heissen Quellen in den Bergen. Auf dem dortigen Parkplatz hatten wir erneuten Wildkontakt: ein furchtloses Reh, auch schon an den Menschen gewöhnt.
Video (1:26 min):
We’re leaving the National Park and enter sparely Canadian civilization. We stop for a coffee at a dirty but friendly Chinese restaurant in Wildwood, the only restaurant here.
Wir verlassen den Nationalpark und fahren wieder in die vorerst noch spärliche kanadische Zivilisation. Kaffee-Zwischenstopp beim dreckigen aber netten Chinesen, dem einzigen Restaurant in Wildwood.
It seemed we were the only guests in a week. The coffee was kept warm for days, we didn’t want to eat here.
Wir waren wahrscheinlich nicht nur heute die einzigen Gäste. Der Kaffee stand wohl schon was länger auf der Warmhalteplatte, zu Essen bestellten wir lieber nichts.
20,000 Miles Canada/USA: Travel Overview
HAHAHA I used to live in that town and yea I wouldn’t eat in that place either.. I have mind you… fries arn’t bad lol and you most likely were the only people in aweek they have seen lol… there used to be a place to eat in the hotel bar and another near by the bar parking lot… although… that was in the late 90’s lol
lolololl, lol.
That was my Dad’s restaurant. You see him sitting at his table. He was diagnosed with lung cancer. That’s one of the last images you have captured of him in his place he couldn’t let go.
The restaurant has been bulldozed and nothing remains but an empty lot.
Thank you for the share.
Keep travelling and exploring! ❤