Friday, 13. July 2007, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The propane gas bottle was empty. Luckily our rented camping equipment holds an axe, too. Sherwood Forest Campground, 10km to the west of Regina.
Die Propangasflasche war alle. Zum Glück beinhaltet die mitgemietete Campingausrüstung auch eine Axt. Sherwood Forest Campingplatz, 10km westlich von Regina.
Typical row of houses / Typische Häuserzeile / Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Some stadium grandstand in Regina / Irgendeine Reginaer Stadiontribüne
Fascade of an power supply company, Regina / Fassade eines Stromlieferanten, Regina
Downtown Regina
In a supermarket in Moose Jaw / In einem Supermarkt in Moose Jaw
Saskatchewan Prairie / Prärie
Cinnamon Spread. Tastes quite ok, but I won’t buy it again. Unfortunately my beloved Nutella is very expensive here, although it’s produced in Canada. A very small plastic pot costs 4-7 Dollars. In Germany you get more for half the price.
Zimt-Brotaufstrich. Schmeckt ganz ok, würde ich mir aber nicht nochmal kaufen. Nutella ist hier leider extrem teuer obwohl in Kanada produziert. Ein sehr kleines Plastikglas kostet 4-7 Dollar.
Even on campgrounds we don’t have to renounce our daily Tagesschau-stream (most established German newscast). Thank Wi-Fi. Ponderosa Campground, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Selbst auf Campingplatzen braucht man dank W-Lan nicht auf den täglichen Tagesschau-Stream verzichten. Pondarosa Campingplatz, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Kanada.
Slight swelling due to an insect bite. With compliments from Popeye.
Leichte Insektenstichschwellung Marke Popeye.
20,000 Miles Canada/USA: Travel Overview
Großer Kühlschrank, Spülmaschine, Mikrowelle – wo ist der Fernseher?
I forget how I found this blog, but It’s kind of wierd I saw this. I live in Saskatoon, not far from Regina, and we happen to have a foreign exchange student at our house from Germany. And we kind of toured around the province and took pictures of us in various “Ghost Towns”. Huh.