Day 84: Arches National Park

Wednesday, 19. September 2007, Utah, USA.


Arches National Park near Moab, Utah…

Der Arches Nationalpark bei Moab, Utah…



… got it’s name from many monstrous arches (note the tiny yellow human).

… der seinen Namen von den teils monströsen Felsbögen hat (man beachte das gelbe Menschlein unten).




Perhaps they should have called it Phallus National Park. But Utah for sure is too prude for that.

Vielleicht würde eher Phallus-Nationalpark passen. Dafür wäre Utah aber definitiv zu prüde.




The “Delicate Arch” seems to be the landmark of Utah: above the original, below the official license plate.

Der „Delicate Arch“ scheint das Wahrzeichen Utahs zu sein: oben im Original, unten auf dem offiziellen Nummernschild.



left: “Balanced Rock”, right: “Double Penis Rock”

20,000 Miles Canada/USA: Travel Overview

4 thoughts on “Day 84: Arches National Park”

  1. Hi again, did you make a hike to Delicate Arch? The photo above was taken from the Delicate Arch View Point but if you go back a little bit there is a parking lot for the Delicate Arch trail. I’d say it’s easy to moderate in term of difficulty and you can get all the way to the bottom of Delicate Arch.

    Also did you visit the Island-In-the-Sky district of Canyonlands National Park and Dead Horse Point State Park across from Arches? The Green and Colorado Rivers join together in Canyonlands NP.

    If you return to the Moab area in the future, don’t miss them.

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